Meet Cavin.  In May 2011, Cavin fell about 20 feet from a rooftop water tower.  His injuries were many, including the trauma to his brain.  In fact, his chances of survival were slim.  But Cavin not only survived, he has been fighting his way back and writing about it.

Cavin was interviewed by Robert Nurisio here.  This is one of my favorite quotes from that interview:

“I have been contacted by the friends and families of many brain injury survivors and I share my strength and hope with them, as well as the methods that I have used in order to recover to the point that I have. No two brains are the same, so no two brain injuries are the same.”

If no two brain injuries are the same, then we certainly cannot expect every person’s path to recovery to be the same.  Cavin’s journey has taken him down many therapeutic roads.  He has learned so much along the way, including what his individual needs are.  For Cavin, vision therapy was an integral part of his rehabilitation. 

Cavin is writing a book which he describes:  “This book will be the story of who I was (LIGHTS), how I sustained a serious brain injury (COMA), and my successful recovery and methods (ACTION!).  These are my adventures in brain injury: “LIGHTS, COMA, ACTION!”  He launched a kickstarter campaign to help him raise the money to cover the costs of publishing his book.  As of this moment, 199 people have contributed but the deadline for his campaign is only 5 days away!   Let’s help Cavin reach his goal so he can reach so many survivors of traumatic brain injury with his message of strength and hope.

Read Dr. Leonard Press’ thoughts about Cavin on the VisionHelp blog.

Read more about traumatic brain injury here and here

If you have vision problems after suffering a traumatic brain injury, find a doctor here.